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EduPlanet PreMedical Courses

Low price and high success rate Study from home online live, when you want, all year round Unique courses- you study what you need: chemistry, biology, physics or math Extremely satisfied students Scandinavian quality with top class teachers

Give yourself a chance of admission

If your dream is to become a dentist, doctor or veterinarian, but have difficulty entering a medical school based on your grades, here is your chance, apply via entrance exam!

It is difficult to pass the entrance exams without preparation, but EduPlanet’s PreMed courses enable you to get the desired passing score. We are the biggest Scandinavian PreMed school and hold our own PreMed courses in real time, with a virtual class and have online self-study courses.

Customized courses for the medical university entrance exam!

We guarantee that if you took our course and did at least one entrance test and was not accepted, you can attend our PreMed courses free of charge once more! However, there is a high probability that you will be admitted to a medical university as almost all of our course participants pass our medical university entrance exams on the first try!


Unique course concept

We are Scandinavia’s only educator that offers a really sharp PreMed course in Chemistry and Biology in real time online (the Live course) with a connected class. A course with the same content is also available as a very affordable recorded version, or Recorded as we call our online courses, which are not given in real time but are made for you who want to devote yourself to self-study.

We also have other affordable Recorded courses online in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Mathematics. On all our PreMed courses, you can sit at home or be in another location of your choice and take the courses via connection to your computer. Our range of courses means you can find exactly what fills your knowledge gaps and fits your budget. All teaching on our courses is in English and follows clear course plans. Together with the market’s lowest prices, it makes us unique!

Live course in Virtual Classroom

On our PreMed Live course, you are connected via the computer and participate in the teaching in real time with your teacher and international class online in the so-called Virtual Classroom. This is a unique concept that gives you a feeling of being in a real life course interacting with other participants and the teacher. The course is also recorded and available online 24/7, so you can study and revise at your convenience.

Online Recorded courses

Our Recorded courses consist of pre-recorded lessons with our PreMed teacher. The courses and lessons are available online 24/7 and you choose when you want to study and how intensively or quickly you want to study. The longer Recorded courses can be chosen with or without teacher support.

Just computer & Stable internet connection

Regardless of the course, the only thing you need is a functioning computer with an internet connection. We’ll help you get started!

Our teacher

Our teacher Dr. Esther Yeheskieli is one of Sweden’s most experienced and knowledgeable PreMed teachers. She is a docent and trained teacher. Esther has worked as a lecturer at Karolinska Institutet and speaks 6 languages. Her specialty is in Organic and Bio Organic Chemistry and has very long experience in research with more than 60 scientific articles published. Esther has more than 30 years of teaching experience in areas such as chemistry, physics, biology and human biology, which are essential parts of the PreMed courses. Not least, she is also very popular and appreciated as a teacher! Read Student Comment under the green tab. In addition to English, she also speaks Swedish, Arabic, German, Dutch and Hebrew, which is often helpful in our international classes.

Pick exactly the courses you need

You can choose a single course or put together any combination as you see fit. Our courses are adapted to your specific needs, regardless if you are a beginner or more advanced in certain topic. That makes us unique!

Real PreMed school with many courses to choose from

Our PreMed school has been around for many years and of course has professional teachers who work wholeheartedly for your cause. We have both longer comprehensive courses in Chemistry & Biology and shorter, more intensive recorded courses in the subjects of Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Mathematics. All courses have a clear focus – to best prepare you to pass university entrance exams for medical and veterinary programmes. Here are our PreMed courses:

  • PreMed Chemistry & Biology – Live
  • PreMed Chemistry & Biology – Recorded
  • PreMed Chemistry – Recorded
  • PreMed Biology – Recorded
  • PreMed Physics – Recorded
  • PreMed Math – Recorded
  • PreMed Chemistry First Contact (CFC) – Recorded

Application to medical university via entrance exam

Our PreMed courses are therefore for you who want to study abroad to become a doctor, dentist or veterinarian and apply via an entrance exam. The courses contain what you need to pass the medical university’s entrance exam, which the vast majority of our students have so far passed on the first attempt!

After the end of the courses, you have the opportunity to choose to take the admissions test to the medical university that best suits your conditions in your field. We are Sweden’s largest representative for some of the best medical universities in Europe and we guide you to the most suitable for you. We also have medical universities that have admission via grades,

Read more about all our medical universities here.

Here are the medical universities we work with that have entrance exams and that we recommend:




In the case of Riga Stradins University (Latvia), admission is only possible with high school grades and not through an entrance exam. However, even if you got accepted based on your grades, it is highly recommended to have your natural sciences knowledge and English in check.

Premed Live, PreMed CFC and the Premed Biology will help you come well prepared to medical school.

Try our demo lessons – completely free

You are welcome to see for yourself and watch a free chemistry demo. This demo will give you a chance to try out our lessons and see how our PreMed works. Email us if you want to receive an invitation to a demo lesson.

So Why choose our PreMed courses

We have summarized the most important reasons why you should choose our premed courses, see further up on the green tab ”Why our PreMed”. Here are some of them in brief:

  • The only ones offering high quality Chemistry and Biology course in a class, in real time or with recorded lessons
  • Uniquely many courses to choose from: Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Math
  • Possibility to combine Live course with Recorded courses.
  • Many course start all year round
  • Documented proven success, high chance of being admitted
  • Many extremely satisfied course participants
  • Comprehensive content
  • Choice of  Teacher support or not
  • Highly appreciated teacher
  • The courses are available online 24h7
  • Low Price
  • Sweden’s most experienced PreMed organizer
  • Contact with previous course participants
  • We help most Scandinavians to study medicine abroad
  • All our PreMed customers get their own study guide for Medicine



Our unique PreMed courses are available in different packages. We also have a chemistry beginner’s course. All courses are in English.

PreMedical courses for all needs

We have a large selection of PreMed courses to be able to offer what suits you. Most participants need to brush up on chemistry and biology, which are by far the most important parts to succeed in university entrance exams. That’s why our combined Chemistry & Biology courses, available as both Live and Recorded, are our best sellers. Some participants have also already been accepted and want to prepare for their studies by refreshing their knowledge. We also have a beginner’s course in chemistry and pure courses in other important subjects such as physics and mathematics, for those of you who feel that you have forgotten a lot. Here are our courses:

PreMed Chemistry & Biology Live – Online (14 weeks)

The course is 14 weeks long and is given online in real time in the so-called Virtual Classroom. As the only Scandinavian PreMed course, the teacher and your classmates are connected at the same time via computer, which provides a real lesson experience. All lessons are also recorded so you have access to the recorded lessons online 24/7 until 8/31. The recording makes it easy to go back and follow the teaching if you happened to miss something or want to work a little extra on certain parts and rehearse. Also, you don’t have to rely on your notes, the lessons contain everything! For the course, you also get active teacher support via e.g. email, facebook and phone. The content of the course includes, among other things:

The course contains:

  • 14-week course in the Virtual Classroom, i.e. online and in real time with the teacher and the class connected
  • On average 3 course days per week with 2-4 lessons per day in chemistry, biology, anatomy as well as practice lessons and revision lessons. The chemistry and biology teaching is comprehensive and specially adapted to pass the medical school entrance tests. Lesson scope and self-study time means full-time studies.
  • All lessons are recorded and available online 24/7 until next 8/31
  • All teaching takes place in English
  • Active and regular teacher support during the course
    Teaching material in pdf format
  • More than 1,000 practice questions in pdf format
  • Regular diagnostic tests to make sure everyone is keeping up
  • Preparatory test reviews for the medical university’s entrance tests
  • Access to the private Facebook group for PreMed participants
  • Free access to our ongoing webinars about medical studies abroad
  • Free application help and admission assessment to medical and veterinary universities abroad

PreMed Chemistry & Biology Recorded – Online (approx 14 weeks)

Available with or without teacher support

This course contains the same lessons as the Live course, but consists of recorded lessons instead of real-time lessons. The course is available online on the web 24/7 and for those of you who want to devote yourself to self-study and manage your study time yourself. Maybe you want to spread out the study time over a longer period or have an extra job that means you can’t study during the day on the Live course. As the course is recorded and available online, you can start whenever you want and study at your own pace, shorter or longer than the approximately 14 weeks that it is estimated to take if you study the course full-time at a normal pace.

You can choose this PreMed course with or without teacher support. The teacher support is given via online group meeting with the teacher corresponding to one ”lesson” per week and is given during the period October to January or February to May. If you know that you need teacher support or want to give you the best possible preparation, we recommend the version with teacher support, also since the price is only slightly higher than the version without teacher support!
Through this Recorded course, we want to be able to offer a really good alternative for those of you who prefer self-study. The content of the course includes, among other things:

The course contains:

  • About 80 pre-recorded chemistry and biology lessons
  • All lessons available online 24/7 through upcoming 8/31
  • Start: any day of the week all year round, when it suits you!
  • Lessons in chemistry, biology, anatomy and practice lessons as well as revision lessons
  • All teaching takes place in English
    With or without teacher support Oct-Jan or Feb-May
  • Teaching material in pdf format
  • More than 1,000 practice questions in pdf format
  • Preparatory test reviews for the medical university’s entrance tests
  • Access to the private Facebook group for PreMed participants
  • Free access to our ongoing webinars about medical studies abroad
  • Free application help and admission assessment to medical and veterinary universities abroad


PreMed Chemistry Recorded – Online (approx 8 weeks)

Available with or without teacher support

This course is also online-based and contains all the chemistry parts you need to pass the medical university entrance exam or as a new medical student. Chemistry is often the most difficult part of university entrance exams. Maybe you have good knowledge of biology and good basic knowledge of chemistry but need to brush up on the chemistry part before the exam, then this is the course for you. If you have no previous experience with chemistry, we recommend that you instead read our beginner’s course in chemistry – PreMed First Contact Recorded (read below). The PreMed Chemistry Recorded course contains the same chemistry teaching as our PreMed Chemistry & Biology Recorded courses above, but lacks the biology. If you study the course full-time at a normal pace, it takes about 7-9 weeks, all depending on how much time you can spend each week.

The PreMed Chemistry Recorded course can also be chosen with or without teacher support. Teacher support is also for this course provided via online group meeting with the teacher. The support corresponds to one ”lesson” per week and is given during the period October to January or February to May. The variant with teacher support provides a clear added value compared to the one without support. Also, the price difference is not that big.

The course contains:

  • About 45 pre-recorded chemistry lessons
  • All lessons available online 24/7 through upcoming 8/31
  • Start: any day of the week all year round, when it suits you!
  • Chemistry lessons and practice lessons as well as revision lessons
  • All teaching takes place in English
  • With or without teacher support Oct-Jan or Feb-May
  • Teaching material in pdf format
  • More than 1,000 practice questions in pdf format
  • Preparatory test reviews for the medical university’s entrance tests
  • Access to the private Facebook group for PreMed participants
  • Free access to our ongoing webinars about medical studies abroad
  • Free application help and admission assessment to medical and veterinary universities abroad

PreMed Biology Recorded – Online (approx 6 weeks)

Available with or without teacher support

The Biology course is a perfect complement to our longer Chemistry courses for those of you who also need to refresh your biology skills. Along with chemistry, biology is the most important subject for studying medicine. The course covers everything you need in biology to pass the medical university entrance exam. We have made it as Recorded, i.e. available online 24/7, so you can read it at the same time as the Chemistry courses or at your convenience. Depending on how intensively you study, the course takes between approx. 5-7 weeks for full-time studies and at a normal pace.

The PreMed Biology Recorded course can also be chosen with or without teacher support. As for the other longer Recorded courses presented above, teacher support is provided via online group meeting with the teacher. The support corresponds to one ”lesson” per week and is given during the period October to January or February to May. The variant with teacher support provides a clear added value compared to the one without support. Also, the price difference is not that big.

The course contains:

  • About 35 pre-recorded biology lessons
  • All lessons available online 24/7 through upcoming 8/31
  • Biology from micro to macro with in-depth study of the most important parts
    Your own course book in PDF, which you keep after the end of the course
  • All teaching takes place in English
  • With or without teacher support Oct-Jan or Feb-May
  • Free access to our ongoing webinars about medical studies abroad
  • Free application help and admission assessment to medical and veterinary universities abroad

PreMed Chemistry First Contact (CFC) Recorded – Online (approx 5 weeks)

Some PreMed courses are said to be fine to start without knowledge of chemistry, but this is often a half-truth. They start from the beginning but the pace is very tough and the vast majority of students have taken nature in high school. Imagine to yourself that you will learn all the chemistry, biology and physics you need in 14 weeks. We have students who can do it, but the Chemistry First Contact (CFC) course helps you who want to be well prepared or if you feel unsure about your chemistry skills. It gives you the foundation in chemistry you need to pass the PreMed courses above and to be able to assimilate future lessons in a good way. The course is also aimed at those who have been accepted to university but need to brush up on chemistry, which is the most important subject on the medical programmes. The content of the course includes, among other things:

The course contains:

  • Pre-recorded chemistry lessons
  • All lessons available online 24/7 through upcoming 8/31
  • Basic chemistry with in-depth study of the most important part
  • Your own course book in PDF, which you keep after the end of the course
  • Exercises for homework

PreMed Physics Recorded – Online (approx 2 weeks)

The course covers the topics that are required to successfully pass the physics section in medical university entrance exam. Since the course is recorded you can study it at your convenience.

The course contains:

  • Pre-recorded physics lessons
  • All lessons available online 24/7 through upcoming 8/31
  • Basic physics with in-depth study of the most important parts
  • Your own course book in PDF, which you keep after the end of the course
  • Exercise tasks

PreMed Math Recorded – Online (approx 2 weeks)

The Math course has the same course structure as Physics Recorded, but with mathematics as content. We go through everything via recorded lessons that you can follow at your convenience.

The course contains:

  • Pre-recorded physics lessons
  • All lessons available online 24/7 through upcoming 8/31
  • Basic physics with in-depth study of the most important parts
  • Your own course book in PDF, which you keep after the end of the course
  • Exercise tasks

For all prices and dates see above the green tab Prices & dates.

Why should I take EduPlanet’s PreMed?

It may not be so easy to quickly understand the difference between our unique PreMed courses and other available PreMeds. To explain what the differences are we listed them here below:

+ Well established PreMed school

First of all, our premed school is an established school that has been around for many years and with a high percentage of students who pass the entrance exams. We have a very experienced teacher who is extremely appreciated. This allows us to offer several different course options, shorter intensive courses or longer courses, based on your needs.

+ The Live course, high-quality teaching almost as physical class

As described earlier, the Live course in the so-called Virtual Classroom gives the opportunity to take a course together with other participants in real time, but remotely/online, which does not require you to be physically present in a classroom. No one else offers a premed course with a ”real” class and the amount of instruction you need to pass the med school entrance exam. The teaching on the Live course takes place in real time remotely and provides superior accessibility and a real experience of presence and interaction with the class and teacher. Our teacher is one of Sweden’s best and most experienced PreMed teachers, who puts quality and goal fulfillment first – you are most important to us!

+ PreMed Recorded, with or without teacher support – very affordable options

For those of you who don’t have the opportunity to study day-time or full-time through our Live course, but need to review the skills, our Recorded courses are perfect, they also have low prices. All our Premed courses are available as recorded versions where you can study yourself at your own pace and when you want. The longer Recorded courses are available with or without teacher support.

+ A variety of courses with exactly what you need and with a flexible start

The courses PreMed Live and Recorded, Chemistry First Contact (CFC), Biology, Physics and Math are intensive courses specially designed for you who need to improve or repeat these subjects. You can select exactly the courses you need and study whenever you want, all year round! The recorded courses are available 24-7 online. Also the live chemistry course is recorded and available 24-7 online. Access to each course is for a period of 4-months. The recorded courses are  easily accessible regardless of where you are, as long as you have a computer and connection.

+ All courses are recorded & available 24-7 online

Regardless of the PreMed course with us, the teaching is recorded and available to you. You can go in at any time 24-7 during a 4-month period and see, rehearse and study the parts you need. It is easily accessible regardless of where you are, as long as you have a computer and connection.

+ Very good price

EuPlanet’s PreMed courses are cheaper than other existing PreMed courses, not least if you compare the amount of class time, extent of involvement with you as a participant. There are also some other online Pre Medical courses that provide study materials and diagnostic tests, but they do not have any teacher-led classroom instruction or teacher support at our price level..

+ High admission chance 

Our courses are very intensive and have a proven track record of success. Our participants get a solid knowledge base for their future studies and as a participant you have a very good chance of being accepted to several universities through entrance exams. The vast majority of people who have taken our courses and taken the entrance test to our medical schools have so far been accepted on the first try. In the unlikely event that you fail the exam.

+Long experience and proven success

Our Premed school has existed for many years and we are by far the one with the most experience in working with Swedish and Scandinavian students. The pre-med courses are made with a single purpose, that after the course you will pass the medical university’s entrance exam, which you will do that if you follow the course plan. We know what is required, that’s why our courses have the length and content that is needed, don’t count on it!

+ Probably the most satisfied course participants

We dare to say that we probably have the most satisfied PreMed course participants among Scandinavian educators. It is clearly reflected in the students testimonials and reviews. We are often told, as you can read in our student comments, that our teacher is the best teacher they have ever had and that the course made their dream of joining medical school come true.

+ Admission assessment and guidance to the right medical university

Being the largest and most experienced in medicine studies abroad in Sweden, we know very well which schools will suit you. As a participant in our PreMed courses, we help you find the right and best university for you. With us, you can get valuable tips that will make your study time successful and enjoyable.

+Probably Sweden’s most experinced PreMed teacher

As a teacher and responsible for our PreMed school, our teacher Dr. Esther Yeheskieli will make sure that your path to success is secured. Esther has a long experience in teaching the PreMed subjects and receives very good evaluations from our participants. We are proud to have her on our team and our participants praise her.

+ Constant teacher support & commitment

We will actively work a lot with you as a course participant to make sure that you really study properly and really understand what you need to learn. Our ambition is that each participant should really feel that he is learning what is needed and not just getting the information that is needed. There is a big difference between the two methods of attack! Our teacher will also let you know what the universities usually include in their entrance tests, and above all what is not included so you don’t have to spend time on things unnecessarily. For the courses with teacher support, you will be able to email the teacher with questions. We also have a facebook group just for the class where you can communicate with each other and or with the teacher.

+ High degree of well being

We work hard to ensure that the course participants get to know each other so that they can push and help each other. The live classes are dynamic, fun and engaging. Our goal is that everyone should feel involved and that we get the dynamics that normally exist in a good class that works together towards the same goal.

+ EduPlanet – a stable Swedish education company that has existed since 1982

We are a serious Scandinavian company with long history, who puts the care about our course participants and their benefits, and our teachers wellness in the first room. Our largest area of education is the medical studies and our own PreMed school is the apple of our eye. As our course participant, you will notice that. Your success and well being are most important for us!


Prices & Dates 2024 & 2025

PreMed Chemistry & Biology Live, 14 weeks
Live course where all lessons are recorded: 21 900 SEK
PreMed Chemistry & Biology Recorded, approx 14 weeks
Recorded lessons with teacher support *: 14 500 SEK
Recorded lessons without teacher support: 13 000 SEK
PreMed Chemistry Recorded, approx 8 weeks
Recorded lessons with teacher support *: 8 500 SEK
Recorded lessons without teacher support: 7 500 SEK
PreMed Biology Recorded, approx 6 weeks
Recorded lessons with teacher support *: 7 000 SEK
Recorded lessons without teacher support: 6 200 SEK
PreMed Chemistry First Contact (CFC) Recorded, approx 5 weeks
Recorded lessons without teacher support *: 5 500 SEK
Same course as above, but discounted if you take it together with another of our PreMed courses: 2 750 SEK
PreMed Physics Recorded, ca 2 veckor
Recorded lessons without teacher support: 2 500 SEK
PreMed Maths Recorded, ca 2 veckor
Recorded lessons without teacher support: 2 500 SEK
Privatlektioner Live
Lessons in Chemistry, Biology, Maths or Physics for those who have booked one of our PreMed courses. Minimum 2 lessons: 499 SEK per hour
*) For the courses that contain teacher support, it is given during October – January or February – May

– You have online access to all our courses until August 31st.

– Don´t miss our scholarship:  Each year we give two applying students the EduPlanet PreMed Scholarship, value up to 50% of the course cost. Contact us if you want to apply for our scholarship-

– If you wish, you can pay in several installments. In such case please contact EduPlanet’s Medicine team for more information

– When booking several courses, you can get a discount which is adapted to different packages, as us about this!


Important dates

Starting dates
Premed Live  (14 weeks)  2025: February 17th
PreMed Recorded courses with teacher support: All year round, but the teacher support is provided during the periods: Oct 21 (2024) – January 31 (2025) and 17/2 (2025) – 30/5 (2025)
PreMed Recorded courses with no teacher support: All year round
Privat tuition: All year round




Have you decided?

To register, do the following:

  • Fill in our application form for PreMed at this link – Book PreMed Course
  • Pay the first installment of the course SEK 2,500 by:

-If paying from Sweden: pay to Bankgiro number 206-8880
-If paying from abroad: Pay the amount in Swedish Krona (SEK) to bank SEB and IBAN: SE6550 0000 0539 9100 0148, BIC/Swift: ESSESESS

  • In the message box of the bank payment, write:

-your name
-name of  chosen program
-chosen course start

  •  Email us at and mention that you have paid the registration fee (good to attach the receipt and we will make sure to contact that you with a quick confirmation and an access to the chosen Premed.

Student comments

Murtaza 21 years old, PreMed Chemistry Live

At first it felt like it wouldn’t work. I was very unsure about this idea, but I decided to try this anyway. As it turned out, I was very wrong. It was probably the best decision I have made in my entire life, which led to me currently being in my first year of Medicine at LSMU (Lithuania).

The recorded lessons appeared after a few hours. When I had trouble with some stuff I didn’t understand, I went back and watched the recorded lessons. Then during the weekends I used to sit and watch all the lessons that were on that week while eating my cookies with tea. Sometimes you have to enjoy yourself too. I didn’t watch all the videos because I decided to focus on the important subjects needed for the LSMU entrance exam, which are chemistry and biology. This was my routine. We humans work differently, but this is how I did it.

I have no words for how good the teacher (Esther) is in her work. She ranks 1st together with my old chemistry/biology teacher as the best teachers in my entire life.

Was the course useful? Absolutely. Without the course, I would have had to retake the exams a good number of times until I might have passed. Then there are perhaps people who have better knowledge/memory than me and remember most things from high school, but the course also covered old stuff from high school as well as new things that are needed to be able to pass the exam. I learned a lot and will remember most of it if I hear it again. I have benefited from the knowledge from the lessons even during university lessons.

Joakim, 20 years old, PreMed Chemistry and Biology Recorded

The course was very good. I have studied biology, physics and chemistry earlier, but taught me new things in every lesson. The layout was great with good materials, lessons and tests. If you had difficulties during the lesson, you could always go back and watch it again and repeat until you got it, or contact the teacher who is happy to help you. The teacher Esther have a lot of knowledge in everything, so it was very comfortable that she was the teacher who taught and who you could turn to if you had difficulties. With Esther as a teacher, things can’t go

If you want to study medicine, I recommend the PREMED course, it’s worth all the time and money. With Esther as a teacher, and much of study, you will definitely get one step closer to your dream.

Rasmus, 26 years old, PreMed Chemistry & Biology Recorded

My experience with EduPlanet Premed is truly something I would call extraordinary! It is cheaper than other premed courses and the teaching is given by the best teacher I have come across.

At first I was very skeptical about distance learning and found it difficult. But after a few weeks you get used to it. The first weeks came as a shock, you were in a panic and couldn’t understand how to learn so much in such a short time. We were informed that at the end of the course all the pieces will fall into place and a chemical and biological logic will tie the knot. I doubted it, but against the odds it was true!

Would I choose eduplanet again? Undoubtedly! The best thing about Eduplanet’s premed is that after each lecture you get an incredible amount of material to practice on. Which motivated me to try to understand and solve all tasks before the end of the day. You have constant access to the teacher via email and you get incredibly good feedback.

Eduplanet is incredibly committed to all students who attend their premed course. For example, you get constant praise during lectures and it also happens that I received an email saying good job today. It’s not really possible to describe the support you get. Is like Eduplanet being the parents in one’s family. I passed the entrance exam for doctors and will now start studying abroad this fall!

Kalle, 20 years old, PreMed Chemistry First Contact

I very enjoyed your lessons Esther, they were really educating and at the same time very funny. I learned a lot and you made me very interested. Even my family told me to shut up at the dinner table because I did not stop talking chemistry.

And I now understand the power of repeating, or as you called it, brain washing. Which now I am trying to do to myself with naturkunskap 2. I also liked when you gave me some responsibility and I got to try things on my own. Like the practice days.

So to sum it all up, I need to learn the language of chemistry. I really enjoyed the course and you managed to brain wash me. Thank you so much for everything Esther, again.

Ava, 19 years old, Premed Chemistry First Contact Recorded

I though the course was very good, I feel more prepared for medical school than I was before and I feel like I learned new information and was even reminded of old information I had forgotten.

I think Esther was an amazing teacher that made sure we were learning and active studying, which always is needed. I would without a doubt recommend this course to
others. I compared to other PreMed alternatives, but found Eduplanets course the best for me, which I don’t regret now being a student.

Ask our study advisor Johan!

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Ask our study advisor Dr Esther!

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